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Concert in a Car Park !!!!

A Concert in a Car Park!! Kate Whitley It seems an unlikely venue but with creative vision Kate Whitley collaborated with conductor Christopher Stark to organise a performance of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring by 102 musicians in a disused multi storey car park in Peckham.

13.1 Miles More for Matthew

Bates Solicitors Sponsor The Matthew Elvidge Trust 13.1 Miles More for Matthew… Bates Solicitors have committed to support The Matthew Elvidge Trust for a second year running. Here is a reminder why we support this important and local charity….

Daughter must repay money gained through undue influence

A woman has been ordered to return money she received from her mother after a court ruled she gained it through undue influence. The case involved a mother who had made a Will that included two houses. In the will she shared her estate between her siblings, children and grandchildren. She had previously transferred £290,000 to one of her daughters and her husband. She then sold her houses and transferred …Read More

Dispute over dementia sufferer’s money

Two sisters have been appointed to manage the estate of their mother who is suffering from dementia. The appointments were made by the Court of Protection despite an objection from a brother of the two sisters. The case involved a woman who had not drawn up a lasting power of attorney stating who she wanted to look after her affairs for her if she ever lost capacity to do so …Read More

First-time home buyers get 20% off

New homes are to be offered at a minimum 20% discount to first-time buyers under the age of 40. The Starter Home initiative is a government scheme to help young people on to the housing ladder and encourage construction firms to build more homes. It’s hoped that up to 100,000 buyers will benefit. The initiative is being made possible by a change to the planning system. The idea is to …Read More

Judge was wrong to separate teenage brothers

A judge’s decision to separate two teenage brothers from their mother and also from each other was based on her own personal opinion of the boys and has therefore been overturned. The residence of the brothers came into dispute ten years after the separation of their parents. They had always lived with their mother and her new partner, and had weekend visits to their father. This routine broke down when …Read More

Parents ‘may give up or abduct their children’ following cutbacks

Family lawyers have warned that cuts in legal aid have led to many parents losing faith in the system with some starting to take the law into their own hands. Figures released by CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) have shown a drop in the number of private family law cases. There were 2,928 new cases in July 2014, which was a 36% fall from the same …Read More

Woman wins disability discrimination claim against tour operator

A woman who suffers from arthritis has won a discrimination claim against a tour operator after her holiday was interrupted by civil unrest. The woman had booked a package holiday in Tunisia. After civil unrest broke out, the tour operator arranged for her to be flown home. She was transferred to Monastir airport where she had to stand for several hours because she wasn’t provided with seating facilities or a …Read More