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International Family Law

International family law diverse International Family Law

Increasingly, families are mobile and have links to more than one country, often through employment, business or property interests. Marriage and civil partnerships between nationals of different countries is now common. When a relationship breaks down, matters can be complex due to the cross-jurisdictional dimension as you may be able to bring a divorce in more than one country.

Arguments often arise over which country has jurisdiction. It is important to identify this at an early stage because financial and other outcomes vary hugely from one country to another. Rules regarding which assets are eligible for inclusion in the divorce settlement and disclosure requirements or those regarding maintenance vary from country to country. Time is often of the essence and it may be necessary to act very quickly.

Within Europe, the general rule is that the country in which the divorce proceedings are first issued seizes jurisdiction, regardless of where there is the closest connection. Who issues first is also relevant, although this carries less weight in other parts of the world.

It is important you seek early legal advice in relation to relevant English law and the most suitable jurisdiction (country) for an overall financial settlement.  In addition we can make applications to the court for worldwide asset protection in relevant cases.

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