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Employee wins appeal over compensation for unfair dismissal

An employee has won an appeal against a tribunal’s decision not to award him compensation even though it decided he had been unfairly dismissed. The issue arose because the tribunal had found that the dismissal was unfair due to the lack of consultation before making him redundant. However, it decided not to award any compensation on the basis that he would have been dismissed by the same date even if …Read More

Asda fails to block equal pay claim at employment tribunal

The retailer Asda has failed in its attempt to force 7,000 women to pursue equal pay claims in the High Court instead of at an employment tribunal. The case involved claims by more than 7,000 Asda employees, overwhelmingly women, working in its stores across the UK. They claimed equal pay with staff, mainly men, employed in distribution depots. Asda considered the case to be exceptional and of great significance for …Read More

Doctor in NHS whistleblower case awarded £2.5m compensation

A doctor, who was dismissed by the NHS after raising concerns about how a hospital was treating patients has been awarded £2.5m compensation. Dr Raj Mattu was a cardiologist at University Hospital Coventry in Walsgrave. He became alarmed that overcrowding was leading to patient deaths. He raised his concerns with the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. He claimed it failed to respond appropriately so he spoke to the …Read More

Legal protection for zero hour contract workers now in force

New regulations providing employment protection for zero hour contract workers have now come into force. The dismissal of a zero hour contract employee will be considered automatically unfair if the main reason for dismissal is that they breached a clause in their employment agreement prohibiting them from working for another company. There is no qualifying period needed for the employee to bring a claim. The regulations also make it unlawful …Read More

Some of the main changes to employment law in 2015

There were several important developments in employment law in 2015. These are some of the most significant. Travel time can be ‘work time’ The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that if employees don’t have a fixed place of work then the time they spend travelling from home to their first job of the day should be classed as work time. The same principle applies to the time spent travelling …Read More